Turning 40 4/40

I picked this girl up somewhere in the junior high era. Slightly by default. Our families were always at church which meant we were there together all the time. I discovered Jesus for myself during the sweet start to this little friendship, and shared many moments deep in the Spirit alongside you.

We spent years being friends that could turn enemies with a simple game of Speed, the card game. Unless it was Spit, the card game.

Then, through the gift of parental misunderstanding and overcorrection, we were just enemies for a dozen years.

Beks- Thanks for forgiveness. Thanks for being the most amazing Wooer I have ever met. Thanks for your brilliant mind, your blatant honesty, your strength as a woman, your relentless persistence (which may just be ODD, but whatev) and for sharing life with me now. You remind me of what confidence looks like when I forget. I never have to worry about whether I’ll have a good time when I’m with you.

I have treasured our messages, our business dabblings, our conversations, the laughter, the farmers markets, and that you make time for me whenever I’m in SoCal. You always receive me with love. To the point that my husband chooses to mancation at your house. It may be that Tom is the coolest. Good job picking that husband. 😉

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